Amal Clooney Slams Donald Trump’s War On Women & All Muslims

Amal Clooney is absolutely shocked that Donald Trump has made it this far in his campaign for president by hurling insults, demeaning women and ostracizing Mexicans and Muslims. She tells the BBC that even if he gets the nomination she’s certain Hillary Clinton will beat him!

Amal Clooney Slams Donald Trump’s War On Women & All Muslims
Amal Clooney Slams Donald Trump’s War On Women & All Muslims

Amal Clooney is not a fan of Donald Trump! The 38-year-old human rights lawyer revealed in a new interview that she hopes the United States sends a positive message to the world by electing the first woman president and not Donald. Amal, whose parents are Muslim, finds his comments about Muslims to be offensive and can’t believe all of the negative “statements he made against women.”

“If at the end of all of this he gets beaten by the person who becomes the first female president of the United States, then I think that would send a very positive message from the electorate back to him as to what they really think of those points of view,” Amal said. “I don’t think they’re US values. There’s an ad on the TV in the US where they went through all these statements he made against women and you watch that and you think, ‘Gosh’. He has a really high negative rating. I don’t think he’s going to get much of the women’s vote as a result of that.”

Amal goes on to say that she can’t believe Donald actually talks about deporting Mexicans and Muslims and building “walls.” “When you listen to what the leading candidate on the Republican side has been saying about building walls, about excluding Mexicans and a complete shutdown of all Muslims entering in, and if you actually look at what he specifically said in that now infamous speech about Muslims, he kept saying, ‘They only want jihad (spiritual struggle or holy war). They don’t believe in our way of life. They don’t respect our system.’ And when he says ‘they’ and you watch the media coverage afterwards, people, I think, should have been saying, ‘Do you mean the 1.5 billion people around the world who fit that description? Do you mean the people who are US citizens who are members of your military… the vast majority of whom are not violent or extremists in any way?'”



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