Rep. Peter King: ‘I hate Ted Cruz’

Rep. Peter King, New York Republican (Associated Press)


Please, Peter King, tell us how you really feel.

“In case anybody is confused, I am not endorsing Ted Cruz, I hate Ted Cruz, and I think I’ll take cyanide if he ever got the nomination,” the New York congressman said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “You’re going to see Donald Trump scoring a big victory tonight, I’ve not endorsed Donald Trump — in fact, I actually voted by absentee ballot for John Kasich.”
Mr. King had initially endorsed Florida Sen. Marco Rubio before he dropped out of the race. Mr. King said that even though Ohio Gov. John Kasich had “no viable chance” at the nomination, he couldn’t bring himself to cast a ballot for either Mr. Cruz or Mr. Trump.

“The likelihood is Donald Trump is going to get the nomination,” Mr. King said. “I want Donald Trump to know that if he wants the support of Republicans, he’s gotta get more substance. He’s gotta really learn what he’s talking about and can’t just be talking off the top of his head and making reckless charges.”
[] By Kelly Riddell - The Washington Times []



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