This SHOCKING Texas Approval Has ROCKED The Cruz Campaign

Former Texas governor, Rick Perry denounced his colleague Ted Cruz and officially sided with Donald Trump.

Perry appeared on ABC’s The View and shocked the country when he did not side with Cruz who hails from his state.

Texas loyalty has helped the Cruz campaign for some time and this change is a massive defeat for Lyin’ Ted. At first, Perry seemed reluctant to fully praise Donald. He specified that some of Trump’s brash insults worry him and he wishes Donald could adopt a more “serious” tone. However, Trump’s positives clearly outweigh his occasional outbursts because Perry formally told reporters that at the end of the day he would vote Trump!

Perry continued to warn viewers about the risky policies Clinton is proposing. As a strong republican, Rick believes that Clinton’s need to empower Washington and strengthen the federal government could crush the American way.

Cruz has yet to comment on the betrayal. Certainly, the Trump Train is happy to welcome any newcomer to the campaign. Donald is prepared to change the country and he wants each and every citizen to help him make America great again!

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