Clinton Questions Trump’s Refusal To Release Tax Returns

As she kicked off her campaign here ahead of the New Jersey Democratic primary, Hillary Clinton was mid-way through her case against Donald Trump’s tax plan when a voice rang out from the crowd.
Kena Betancur / AFP / Getty Images
“What about his tax returns?” a man shouted.

“We’ll get to that,” Clinton promised, wrapping up her comments about Trump’s plans before turning back to the man in the audience.

As she aims to wrap up the nomination early next month, Clinton has increasingly turned her attention at campaign events to the presumptive Republican nominee. On Tuesday, she weighed in on the question of Trump’s tax returns, which he has so far refused to release — a break with tradition, Clinton said, that might suggest the businessman has something to hide.

“The gentleman who called out about his tax plan — I hope you’ll keep asking that,” she told him.

“I do!” the man replied.

“And what about his taxes? So we’ll get around to that, too. Because when you run for president — especially when you become the nominee — that is expected. Bill and I have produced 33 years of tax returns,” she said, noting that eight-years’ worth were available on her campaign’s website.

“So you gotta ask yourself, why doesn’t he want to release them? Yeah, well we’re gonna find out.”

In an interview Tuesday with the Associated Press, Trump dismissed the idea that voters had a right to see the returns. “There’s nothing to learn from them,” Trump said.

In her speech here at Camden County College, her first rally ahead of the New Jersey primary on June 7, Clinton spoke at length about Trump’s tax plan, which she described as the only detailed policy paper he’s released.

“Here’s what Donald Trump wants to do,” she said. “Donald Trump’s tax plan was written by a billionaire, for billionaires. He wants to spent $3 trillion — that’s with a “T” — $3 trillion on tax cuts for people like him who make over $1 million. That is $100,000 every month for multibillionaires.”

Clinton alluded to Trump’s recent comments suggesting he might be willing to negotiate on his proposed tax cut for the wealthiest Americans.

“He’s a little defensive about his tax plan,” Clinton said. “But the facts are there in black and white for anybody to see.”



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